Residencial El Pinet
from La Marina village, celebrated the 20th of December 2008
In the village of La Marina, at 11:00 a.m. on the 20th of December 2.008, is constituted the General Meeting of the owners’ community from “Residencial El Pinet”, due to the necessity of the community to legalize the relations and managements with the enough personality in front of organizations and administrations.
M-13 M-3
Pluim Harry 6 Patrick, Martin 5
Nash Fraser Charles 7 Tunstall, Arthur Roy 6
Knight, Adrian 11 Heather May Little 7
Nosworthy, James Phillip 15 Michael David Bernstein 9
Gottschalk Bo Leiliel 16 Williams, David Thomas 10
Gómez Pérez, Juan Pedro 18 Llopis Sempere, Francisco 12
Thomas, Ronald Andrew 22 Eberhardt Thorsten Wolfgang 17
Holland, Lynda Joy 24 Ana Rosa Quesada Maciá 20
Zaplana Asensio, Abel 26 Zaplana Sánchez, Jose 24
M-16 Domínguez Herranz, Félix 30
Langrish Roger Ian 2 Del Campo Hernán, Carmen 32
Guerra Yuste, Luis 6 M-4
Ruiz Ramírez Bienvenida 10 Lewis, David 1
Fenech Lucy Marian Mary 11 Brearley John 7
Skuse, Graham 19 Keyworth, Christine Ruth 12
M-18 M-5
Sahni, Ajay 15 Candela Santacruz, María Jesús 18
M-2 Marin, Rosa Elena Segui 23
Perujo Melgar, Juan María 4 Salvador Poveda Riquelme 25
Harris, Norman Isaac Samuel 6 Heather May Little 29
Williams Paul 40 M-8
Belmar Hernández, Antonio 41 Parkes, Patricia Ann 1
Infinnity Press, S.L. 43 Agustín Segura Ruiz 6
Stephen Launder 51 Sansano Javaloyes, Mª Jesús. 10
Infinnity Press, S.L. 52 Walsh Garry Clive 16
Walsh Anthony Charles 55 LA DEULA S.L. 18
Tricker, Jacqueline 65 Branch Christina 28
Martínez Candela, José Luis 70 José Francisco Mas Riquelme 31
Beardsmore, Derek Stanley 71 Pearce Raymond 38
Illescas Cantador, Daniel 79 Hill Raymond John 40
Wickahm, Andrew 91
Sorrell, Susan 95
Jones, Vivien Susan 101
Garcia Gonzalez, Mª Caridad 111
Segura Candela, José 112
Lammert, Yvonne Annette 130
Nunan, Melvyn Anthony 143
M-13 M-2G
Toledo Izquierdo, Luis Manuel Félix Domínguez Herranz 1 Soriano Soriano, Mª Lourdes Carlos Martínez Soriano 130
Dedman, Ian Félix Domínguez Herranz 8 Soriano Soriano, Mª Lourdes Carlos Martínez Soriano 131
Berges, Hans-Peter 10 Soriano Soriano, Mª Lourdes Carlos Martínez Soriano 132
Staton, Jane Elizabeth Audrey Nosworthy 12 M-3
McBay, Peter David Bo Gottschalk 17 Ayton, Clifford Charles Heather Little 13
Hillier Joan Shana Thomas 23 Coves Sepulcre, Rosa Antonia Francisco José Asencio Coves 22
M-16 Dominguez Mendez Felisindo Félix Domínguez Herranz 28
Hagan, Patricia Roger Langrish 1 Cervello, Gillian Félix Domínguez Herranz 33
Marples, Oriel Tracy Susan Skuse 5 Philip Louis Clyne Félix Domínguez Herranz 36
Porter, Robert William Sue Wiseman 17 M-4
M-18 Walton, Robert James Cherry Lewis 3
Mehta Alkesh Sahni 11 García Cristóbal, Feliciano María del Pilar García Martín 6
Watson Sahni 14 William Henry Riley Christine Keyworth 8
M-2 John Plunkett Félix Domínguez Herranz 10
Durell Sandra Elizabeth Sue Sorrell 8 Franzen Kjell Costa Bo Gottschalk 11
Lobb David Andrew Sue Sorrell 11 Marlow Pamela Anne Christine Keyworth 13
Peach, Gail Lynda Félix Domínguez Herranz 12 M-5
Whittarer Ann Paula Sue Sorrell 13 Phipps, Linda Elizabeth Ray Pierce 21
Fullicks, Margaret Joan Félix Domínguez Herranz 20 Marek Mozdrzewski Félix Domínguez Herranz 27
Kirby Audrey Tony Walsh 26 Cesarz Danuta Félix Domínguez Herranz 28
Ratcliffe Christine Innis Christine Keyworth 27 Lammoglia Theresa Veronica Félix Domínguez Herranz 31
Dunn Christine Félix Domínguez Herranz 28 M-8
Pritchard, Ronald Tony Walsh 35 Wold Bente Félix Domínguez Herranz 2
Aldridge, Beryl Alice Martin Patrick 36 Mark Featherstone Félix Domínguez Herranz 12
Waldock Raymond James 38 Eddie West Sue Sorrell 19
Mullins, Timothy Pius Andy Copp 39 Dereck Nettleton Félix Domínguez Herranz 20
Portis Jill Sue Sorrell 45 Mc Cormack, Sandra Elizabeth Félix Domínguez Herranz 30
Mc Donnell, Samuel Noel Stephen Launder 48 Humphreys Luke Edward Ray Pierce 32
Willshaw, Michael J. Sue Sorrell 56 Ramsay Daniel Bruce Christine Keyworth 35
Dale, Maureen Margaret 61
Cole, Julie Anne Sue Sorrell 63
Shoare, Elaine Sue Sorrell 68
Ferguson Robert Thomas Félix Domínguez Herranz 75
Kilburn, Michael John Paul Williams 76
Arkley, Peter Félix Domínguez Herranz 77
Muhsen, Hussain-Kadhima Félix Domínguez Herranz 80
Salmon Anthony Charles Gordon Sue Sorrell 82
Aspden, James Alec Leonard Félix Domínguez Herranz 83
Pearson, Diane Marilyn Audrey Nosworthy 88
Williams, David Charles Howard Sue Sorrell 92
O'Brien, Catherine Félix Domínguez Herranz 94
Joyner, Peter David Mick and Lorraine Kilburn 96
Farley, Alun Robert Félix Domínguez Herranz 104
Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Maximino Carlos Martínez Soriano 106
Bennett, Margaret Christine Audrey Nosworthy 110
Mears Geoffrey David Félix Domínguez Herranz 114
Hook, Christopher John Cherry Lewis 116
Gillard, Glynis Lindie Félix Domínguez Herranz 119
Coughlan, Linda Ann Félix Domínguez Herranz 121
Smith, Marie Cherry Lewis 124
Naidoo, Jayanandhan Sue Sorrell 133
Hughes Robert Sue Sorrell 138
Pettersen, Karin Félix Domínguez Herranz 141
Being in the auditorium of El Porvenir, in La Marina, the meeting began at the second call, because of the non enough quorum at the first, taking the next agreements according with the next:
1º Forming the Governing Committee. Presentation of candidatures.
2º Establishment of an initial quote for constitution expenses. Agreements in the matter.
3º Opening a bank account and establish the way to manage it. Agreements in the matter.
4º Questions and answer session.
First: All the owners are invited to present their candidatures for the charges of representants of each block in the urbanization. The next owners are proposed for it:
- Member M-13: Juan Pedro Gómez Pérez (nº 18).
- Member M-16: Roger Ian Langrish (nº 2).
- Member M-18: Salvador Manuel Pérez Oliver (nº 8).
- Member M-2: Paul Williams (nº 40) and Mike Killburn.
- Member M-3: Francisco Llopis Sempere (nº 12).
- Member M-4: Cherry Anne Lewis (nº 1).
- Member M-5: Salvador Poveda Riquelme (nº 25).
- Member M-8: Garry Clive Walsh (nº 16).
Also, the next owners are proposed to represent the community in the charges of President, Vice-president and Treasurer:
- President: Bo Leiliel Gottschalk (M-13, nº 16).
- Vice-president: José Francisco Mas Riquelme (M-8, nº 31).
- Secretary-Treasurer: Félix Domínguez Herranz (M-3, nº 30).
The proposed candidatures are approved unanimously. So, the governing committee is formed in the above way.
All of them will be in their charges till July 2.008, when a new meeting will be called and the owners will decide about their continuity or the renewal of the governing committee.
Second: The presents approve unanimously to establish a initial payment of 20 € to cover the forecast expenses for the constitution of the owners’ community.
This payment will be requirable from the 1st of January 2.009 and it will be paid in the bank account the community has opened in CAM bank, in La Marina.
Third: The owners’ community has opened a bank account in the office of CAM bank in La Marina, with the next number:
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The president and vice-president will have access to this bank account, acting as representants of the community during their term of office. Both signatures must be in the cheques for the payment of the ordinary costs of the community.
The treasurer will have access to the account without signature. Only for seeing it.
- One owner claims more communication between the owners of the residential and more information. The governing committee answers him that this is what is pretended with the constitution of the meeting. To work all together for the good of the community.
And without more matters to discuss, it’s going up the meeting at 12:50 h. in the place and date mentioned on top, writing the agreements accepted in the Minutes Book of the Community. It is signed by the President and me, Secretary-Treasurer of the Community agreeing all that is in it.
The President The Secretary-Treasurer
Bo Leiliel Gottschalk Félix Domínguez Herranz
Meeting of the Governing Committee of the owners’ community El Pinet
Celebrated on the 10th of January 2.009
1. Status of Construction: San Jose reports that the surveyors have been working this week and work will start Monday or Tuesday,. This version was confirmed by the presence of employees JOST that we had called. Anyway we think it appropriate to ask the company JOST the exact location of works and approximate time to implement them.
2. Meting: It was agreed to notify all owners of the agreements of the General Meeting last day 20/12/08 sending the record. In addition, a note in which, among other issues, we will insist on the need to pay 60 € from September to December those who have not done as well as the fee of € 20 that were agreed in the Assembly. All this payments will go directly into the community account.
3. Tesseral: Pending charges and expenses. There are currently € 3,000 balance in the account, although people are sending money to other San Jose account, so we do not know how much money has been paid to the two account together. We estimate that a number of owners have not paid yet the 60 €from September-December, it was agreed to take Item 2 of the communication to inform, so cautious about the of taking measures to cut water services and electricity. It seems that some owners were reluctant to take any credits to the accounts of San Jose and it is possible to put in our account, not yet operational, which will opened on behalf of the Community of Owners shortly. The lack of cash to meet those payments required a meeting with the directors will take place. The commitment of the owners was to help cover those expenses but not to assume in full. It was agreed to request a meeting with the directors to discuss this and make them to see the need, once initiated the works; San Jose has to take charge of part of its consumption. Following this meeting the Board will assess the appropriateness of asking the owners continuity of current contribution in the amount to be agreed or not.
4. Consumption of water, electricity and septic tank it appreciates the possibility of installing meters to measure consumption but presents drawbacks to postpone the decision was agreed. Is still desirable to seek a reunion of water and electricity companies to discuss with them the possibility of the provision of an interim home until obtaining the ballots for habitation.
5. Administrator. It was agreed that Felix Dominguez, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board, to take charge of a provisional administration of the Community. Their work will be remunerated at a rate of 2.50 Euros a month per household per month. Will try to cope with this expenditure from the account of the Community whose revenues could be € 20 x298 = 5960 €.
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The president and vice-president will have access to this bank account, acting as representants of the community during their term of office. Both signatures must be in the cheques for the payment of the ordinary costs of the community.
The treasurer will have access to the account without signature. Only for seeing it.
- One owner claims more communication between the owners of the residential and more information. The governing committee answers him that this is what is pretended with the constitution of the meeting. To work all together for the good of the community.
And without more matters to discuss, it’s going up the meeting at 12:50 h. in the place and date mentioned on top, writing the agreements accepted in the Minutes Book of the Community. It is signed by the President and me, Secretary-Treasurer of the Community agreeing all that is in it.
The President The Secretary-Treasurer
Bo Leiliel Gottschalk Félix Domínguez Herranz
Meeting of the Governing Committee of the owners’ community El Pinet
Celebrated on the 10th of January 2.009
1. Status of Construction: San Jose reports that the surveyors have been working this week and work will start Monday or Tuesday,. This version was confirmed by the presence of employees JOST that we had called. Anyway we think it appropriate to ask the company JOST the exact location of works and approximate time to implement them.
2. Meting: It was agreed to notify all owners of the agreements of the General Meeting last day 20/12/08 sending the record. In addition, a note in which, among other issues, we will insist on the need to pay 60 € from September to December those who have not done as well as the fee of € 20 that were agreed in the Assembly. All this payments will go directly into the community account.
3. Tesseral: Pending charges and expenses. There are currently € 3,000 balance in the account, although people are sending money to other San Jose account, so we do not know how much money has been paid to the two account together. We estimate that a number of owners have not paid yet the 60 €from September-December, it was agreed to take Item 2 of the communication to inform, so cautious about the of taking measures to cut water services and electricity. It seems that some owners were reluctant to take any credits to the accounts of San Jose and it is possible to put in our account, not yet operational, which will opened on behalf of the Community of Owners shortly. The lack of cash to meet those payments required a meeting with the directors will take place. The commitment of the owners was to help cover those expenses but not to assume in full. It was agreed to request a meeting with the directors to discuss this and make them to see the need, once initiated the works; San Jose has to take charge of part of its consumption. Following this meeting the Board will assess the appropriateness of asking the owners continuity of current contribution in the amount to be agreed or not.
4. Consumption of water, electricity and septic tank it appreciates the possibility of installing meters to measure consumption but presents drawbacks to postpone the decision was agreed. Is still desirable to seek a reunion of water and electricity companies to discuss with them the possibility of the provision of an interim home until obtaining the ballots for habitation.
5. Administrator. It was agreed that Felix Dominguez, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board, to take charge of a provisional administration of the Community. Their work will be remunerated at a rate of 2.50 Euros a month per household per month. Will try to cope with this expenditure from the account of the Community whose revenues could be € 20 x298 = 5960 €.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE NEW E-MAIL FOR ALL THE OWNERS AT EL PINET: Pls send an e-mail for your confirmation and update the database so you get all the information of what is going on site.
La Marina, a 22 de diciembre de 2008
Acta de la Junta General de Constitución de la Comunidad de Propietarios
Residencial El Pinet
de la Población de La Marina celebrada el día 20 de diciembre de 2008
En la localidad de La Marina, siendo las 11:00 horas del día 20 del mes de diciembre de 2.008, reunidos a instancia de varios propietarios por medio de convocatoria realizada por correo, queda constituida la Asamblea General de Constitución de la Comunidad de Propietarios del Residencial El Pinet, debido a la necesidad que tiene la Comunidad de formalizar sus diferentes relaciones y gestiones con personalidad suficiente frente a entidades, organismos y administraciones.
En el salón de reuniones de El Porvenir en La Marina, la reunión tuvo su comienzo en segunda convocatoria, por no existir quorum suficiente en la primera, declarándose válidamente constituida y adoptándose en el presente acto los subsiguientes acuerdos conforme al siguiente:
1º Conformación de la Junta de Gobierno y presentación de candidaturas.
2º Contratación de los servicios profesionales de administrador de fincas colegiado.
3º Establecimiento de una cuota inicial para gastos de constitución. Acuerdos al respecto.
4º Apertura de una cuenta corriente y estipular la forma de gestión del saldo. Acuerdos al respecto.
5º Ruegos y preguntas.
Se adoptan los siguientes
Primero: Se invita a la totalidad de propietarios asistentes a presentar voluntariamente sus candidaturas para ocupar los cargos de vocales representantes de cada bloque que conforma la urbanización. Se propone para tales cargos a los siguientes propietarios:
- Vocal M-13: Juan Pedro Gómez Pérez (nº 18).
- Vocal M-16: Roger Ian Langrish (nº 2).
- Vocal M-18: Salvador Manuel Pérez Oliver (nº 8).
- Vocal M-2: Paul Williams (nº 40).
- Vocal M-3: Francisco Llopis Sempere (nº 12).
- Vocal M-4: Cherry Anne Lewis (nº 1).
- Vocal M-5: Salvador Poveda Riquelme (nº 25).
- Vocal M-8: Garry Clive Walsh (nº 16).
Además, se propone como representantes de la comunidad, para los cargos de Presidente, Vicepresidente y Tesorero, a los siguientes propietarios:
- Presidente: Bo Leiliel Gottschalk (M-13, nº 16).
- Vicepresidente: José Francisco Mas Riquelme (M-8, nº 31).
- Tesorero: Félix Domínguez Herranz (M-3, nº 30).
Se aprueba por unanimidad de los asistentes las candidaturas propuestas, por lo que queda conformada de tal manera la Junta de Gobierno de la comunidad de propietarios.
Todos ellos ostentarán su cargo hasta julio de 2.008, en que se convocará otra junta y se decidirá sobre su continuidad o la renovación de la Junta de Gobierno.
Segundo: Se aprueba por unanimidad de los asistentes establecer una cuota inicial de 20 € para cubrir los gastos previstos para la constitución de la comunidad de propietarios.
Esta cuota será exigible desde el día 1 de enero de 2.009 y deberá ser pagada en la cuenta bancaria que la comunidad tiene abierta en la Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo en La Marina.
Tercero: La comunidad de propietarios ha abierto una cuenta corriente en la oficina de la entidad financiera Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo de La Marina.
El presidente y vicepresidente serán quienes tengan acceso a esta cuenta corriente, actuando como representantes durante el tiempo que dure su gobierno, debiendo concurrir doble firma en los talones que se expidan para el pago de los gastos ordinarios que no se encuentren domiciliados.
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- Algún propietario pide que haya más comunicación entre los propietarios del residencial y que se les dé más información. Se le responde que esto es lo que se pretende al constituir la comunidad propietarios, trabajar unidos por el bien de todos.
Y sin más asuntos que tratar se levanta la sesión a las doce horas y cincuenta minutos en el lugar y fecha arriba reseñado, transcribiéndose los acuerdos adoptados en el Libro de Actas de la Comunidad, que es firmado por el Presidente y por mí, Secretario-Administrador, en señal de conformidad de todo lo consignado en esta acta.
El Presidente El Secretario-Administrador
Reunión de la Junta Directiva de Propietarios El Pinet
celebrada el día 10/01/09
1. Estado de las Obras. San José nos informa que han estado esta semana trabajando los topógrafos y se firmará, lunes o martes, el acta de replanteo para inmediatamente comenzar las obras. Esta versión se confirma con la presencia de los empleados de JOST que hemos podido comprobar. De todas formas se cree conveniente, y así se acuerda, solicitar a la Empresa JOST una entrevista para tratar de la situación exacta de las Obras y de los plazos aproximados para llevarlas a cabo.
2. Asamblea. Se acuerda comunicar a todos los propietarios los acuerdos de la Asamblea General del pasado día 20/12/08 enviándoles el Acta de la misma. Además, se redactará una nota informativa en la que, entre otras cuestiones, se les insistirá en la necesidad de pagar los 60 € de Septbre. a Dic. –a quienes no lo hayan hecho- así como los 20 € de cuota única que se acordaron en la Asamblea.
3. Tesoreria. Cobros y Gastos pendientes. Actualmente hay 3.000 € de saldo en la cuenta, aunque hay ingresos realizados en otra cuenta de San José que debemos reclamarles. Se puede estimar en un 45% el porcentaje de los que no han pagado los 60 €.(134 propietarios = 32.160 €) Se acuerda aprovechar la comunicación del Punto 2 para informar, de forma prudente, sobre la posibilidad de que se tomen medidas para el corte de los servicios de agua y luz. Parece que algunos propietarios son reacios a hacer abonos a ninguna de las cuentas de San José por lo que, es posible, que se produzcan en la actual cuenta –todavía no operativa- que está abierta a nombre de la Comunidad de Propietarios. Se advierte, no obstante, que la utilización de esos ingresos para hacer frente a gastos que no sean: consumo de agua, luz y fosa séptica, puede ocasionarnos problemas por desviarse de los acuerdos tomados hasta ahora y comunicados a la Asamblea del día 20/12/09 y a los Administradores Concursales.
Quedan pendientes de pago distintas fras. de: Cubas de Agua Valerio, Cubas de Agua Amorós, Limpiezas El Rayo, Ferretaria Paco y las próximas Fras. de Aigües d’Elx e HESA. La falta de saldo para atender esos pagos hace necesaria una reunión con los Administradores. El compromiso de los propietarios era el de ayudar a sufragar esos gastos pero no el de asumirlos en su totalidad.
Se acuerda solicitar una reunión con los Administradores para tratar de lo anterior y hacerles ver la necesidad de que, una vez iniciadas las obras, San José ha de hacerse cargo de la parte de su consumo. Después de esta reunión la Junta valorará la conveniencia de solicitar a los propietarios la continuidad de la aportación actual –en la cuantía que se acuerde- o no.
4. Consumo de agua, luz y fosa séptica
Se valora la posibilidad de instalar contadores para medir los consumos pero ante los inconvenientes que presenta se acuerda posponer la decisión. Se cree de todas formas conveniente solicitar una reunión a las compañías de agua y luz para estudiar con ellas la posibilidad de proceder al suministro a domicilio de forma provisional y hasta la obtención de las cédulas de habitabilidad.
5. Administrador. Se acuerda que Félix Domínguez, Secretario-Tesorero de la Junta, se haga cargo, de forma provisional, de la administración de la Comunidad. Su trabajo le será remunerado a razón de 2,50 euros mensuales por vivienda y mes. Se intentará hacer frente a este gasto desde la cuenta de la Comunidad cuyos ingresos podrían ser : 20€x298=5.960 €.