Quick news!
Last Saturday we had a meeting as all of you know in la Marina.
This is a resume, you will have all news in a few days;
- We are NOT going to pay any cent into San Jose or Administrators account after December.
- We will have a new account for our Community in the CAM BANK in LA MARINA, (we will provide you with the new number.
- We have elected representation from El Pinet until June:
- PRESIDENT M13 Nº 16 Gottschalk Bo Leiliel
- VICEPRESIDENT M8 Nº 31 José Francisco Mas Riquelme
- ADMINISTRATION/SECRT M3 30 Felix Dominguez
M13: House nº 18 Juan Pedro Gomez
M16: House nº 2 Roger Langrish
M18: House nº 14 Salvador Pérez
M 2: House nº 40 Williams Paul/Michael Killburn
M 3: House nº 12 Francisco Llopis
M4: House nº1 Cherry Lewis
M 5: House nº 25 Salvador Poveda
M 8: House nº 16 Walsh Garry Clive
- We agreed that all owners will contract the administrator in La Marina only for this meeting to create our community and open the account. Expenses of him are 1.000 € .
- We agreed a payment of 20 € per owner to start the community. This is only one payment one time, untill the community fees are settle by the administrator.
- We have decided that if in January there is no movement by San Jose or the administrator on Site we do not make any payment to them for expenses.
This is a resume, in a few days we will have a longer text about the meeting of the 20th December in La Marina.