Monday, 22 December 2008



Quick news!
Last Saturday we had a meeting as all of you know in la Marina.

This is a resume, you will have all news in a few days;

  • We are NOT going to pay any cent into San Jose or Administrators account after December.

  • We will have a new account for our Community in the CAM BANK in LA MARINA, (we will provide you with the new number.

  • We have elected representation from El Pinet until June:

  1. PRESIDENT M13 Nº 16 Gottschalk Bo Leiliel
  2. VICEPRESIDENT M8 Nº 31 José Francisco Mas Riquelme
  3. ADMINISTRATION/SECRT M3 30 Felix Dominguez
  4. VOCALS :

M13: House nº 18 Juan Pedro Gomez

M16: House nº 2 Roger Langrish

M18: House nº 14 Salvador Pérez

M 2: House nº 40 Williams Paul/Michael Killburn

M 3: House nº 12 Francisco Llopis

M4: House nº1 Cherry Lewis

M 5: House nº 25 Salvador Poveda

M 8: House nº 16 Walsh Garry Clive

  • We agreed that all owners will contract the administrator in La Marina only for this meeting to create our community and open the account. Expenses of him are 1.000 € .

  • We agreed a payment of 20 € per owner to start the community. This is only one payment one time, untill the community fees are settle by the administrator.

  • We have decided that if in January there is no movement by San Jose or the administrator on Site we do not make any payment to them for expenses.

This is a resume, in a few days we will have a longer text about the meeting of the 20th December in La Marina.



Saturday, 29 November 2008

20th December Meeting-COMMUNITY

Owners’ community
Residencial El Pinet
Sector MR-9 from La Marina

La Marina, 28th of November 2008

Dear owner:

According to the disposed in the article 16 of the applicable Law of Horizontal Property, we arrange to meet you for that you attend to the GENERAL CONSTITUTION MEETING of the owners community, called by the owners: Mr. Francisco Llopis Sempere and Félix Domínguez, that will be celebrated the next day 20th of December 2008, Saturday, at 10:30 a.m., in first call, and at 11:00 a.m. in second call, in the meetings building of “Riegos El Porvenir”, placed in La Marina, Avda. de la Alegría number 33, to discuss the next:


1º Forming the Governing Committee. Presentation of candidatures.
2º Contracting the professional services of a collegiate communities' administrator.
3º Establishment of an initial quote for constitution expenses. Agreements in the matter.
4º Opening a bank account and establish the way to manage it. Agreements in the matter.
5º Questions and answer session.

There are very important questions to discuss. Because of that we beg your presence and in case that you can’t come, you can delegate your representation to other person using for that the proxy form you can find at the end of this letter.

The owners,

Signed: Francisco Llopis Sempere and Félix Domínguez Herranz.

C.P. Residencial El Pinet

This is to inform you that I authorize Mr. /Mrs. __________________________________________
To represent me at the GENERAL CONSTITUTION MEETING that will be celebrated the 20th of December 2008, Saturday.

Mr. /Mrs.: ______________________________________________
Bungalow number: ______________________________________

Information about the present situation of Residencial El Pinet

Dear neighbours:
With the constitution of the Community that we’ll do the next day 20th, we give a step further in the organization of our Residencial El Pinet. We trust that day we will be able to give you good news about the works of urbanization San José must realise. These works will allow us to get the habitation certificates, once they are finished and the Town Hall of Elche accepts it. This is the final point of our project.
In our last meeting with the Bankruptcy auditors, a few days ago, they told us they got part of the financing and therefore, in their opinion, they could contract and begin with the necessary works. They were negotiating the price with the company that will do the works and they trusted to get an agreement quickly. The rest of financing, a credit with CAM bank, was pending of a legal procedures they trusted to finish in a few days.
We hope we can give to you more details of the begining of the works the next days and they are positive details. We could get the database (names and surnames, addresses, telephones, e-mails, etc.) of all the owners (296 aproximately), so we will be able to send to you all the possible information from now.
Finallly, we have to remember you the payment of 60 euros monthly we agreed, from September to December, and only San José can use this money, with the supervision of the auditors, for the expenses of water, electricity and drains cleaning.
Well, we trust we can say hello to you the next day the 20th of December. If you cannot attend the meeting we will inform you about all the matters discussed in it.

Francisco Llopis Sempere Félix Domínguez Herranz (Español) (Español/English spoken

Comunidad de Propietarios
Residencial El Pinet
Sector MR-9 de La Marina

La Marina, a 26 de noviembre de 2008
Sr./a. Propietario/a:

Con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el artículo 16 de la vigente Ley de la Propiedad Horizontal, se le cita a Vd. para que asista a la JUNTA GENERAL DE CONSTITUCIÓN de la comunidad de propietarios de referencia, convocada por los propietarios D. Francisco Llopis Sempere y Félix Domínguez, que se celebrará el próximo sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008, a las 10:30 horas en primera convocatoria y a las 11:00 horas en segunda convocatoria, en el salón de reuniones de “Riegos El Porvenir”, sito en La Marina, Avda. de la Alegría 33, para tratar el siguiente:


1º Conformación de la Junta de Gobierno y presentación de candidaturas.
2º Contratación de los servicios profesionales de administrador de fincas colegiado.
3º Establecimiento de una cuota inicial para gastos de constitución. Acuerdos al respecto.
4º Apertura de una cuenta corriente y estipular la forma de gestión del saldo. Acuerdos al respecto.
5º Ruegos y preguntas.

Dada la importancia de los asuntos a tratar, rogamos su asistencia y, en caso de no serle posible comparecer, puede delegar su representación en cualquier otra persona utilizando para ello la autorización que se encuentra al pie de esta citación.

Los propietarios,

Fdo. Francisco Llopis Sempere y Félix Domínguez Herranz.

C.P. Residencial El Pinet

Por la presente autorizo a D. _______________________________________________________
para que en mi nombre y representación, asista a la JUNTA GENERAL DE CONSTITUCIÓN que ha de celebrarse el próximo sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2.008.

Fdo.: _________________________________________________
Propietario del bung./local: ________________________________

Nota informativa sobre la situación del Residencial El Pinet

Estimados vecinos:
Con la constitución de la Junta de Propietarios que haremos el día 20 damos un paso más en la organización de nuestro Residencial El Pinet. Confiamos en que ese día podamos daros buenas noticias sobre las obras de urbanización que debe realizar San José y que nos permitirán, una vez finalizadas y aceptada la urbanización por el Ayuntamiento de Elche, obtener las cédulas de habitabilidad que es el punto final de nuestro proyecto.
En nuestro último contacto con los Administradores Concursales, hace unos pocos días, nos comunicaron que ya habían obtenido parte de la financiación y que por tanto, en su opinión, ya podían contratar las obras y comenzar éstas. Estaban negociando el precio con la empresa que va a hacerlas y confiaban en llegar a un acuerdo rápido. El resto de la financiación, que era un crédito con la CAM, estaba pendiente de unos trámites judiciales que confiaban que estuvieran acabados en pocos días.
Tenemos la esperanza de poder daros más detalles sobre el inicio de las obras los próximos días y que estos sean positivos. Hemos podido obtener la base de datos (nombre y apellidos, dirección, teléfono, e-mail etc.) de todos los propietarios (296 aproximadamente) por lo que podremos daros a domicilio la mayor información posible a partir de ahora.
Por último tenemos que volver a recordaros la aportación que acordamos de 60 euros mensuales, de septiembre a diciembre, y que solo puede utilizarse por San José, con la supervisión de los administradores, para los gastos de agua, luz y alcantarillado.
Bien, confiamos en poder saludaros el próximo día 20 y a aquellos que no podáis asistir os informaremos puntualmente de lo tratado en la reunión.
Un saludo.

Francisco Llopis Sempere Félix Domínguez Herranz
(Español) (Español/English spoken)

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Meeting in San Jose with the Administrators

Dear neighbours:

Again we want to inform you as our last writings about the negotiations from our development.

Last week we meet with the Administrators and San José to obtain more information about how to contract the services that permits restart buildings and of course the date. Both have confirmed the process to get the 500.000. - Euros are going on the right way as we told you on the last writing of the 21st October.
The Judge has communicate to all parts in this operation with the Financial Company (CAM) that there are big possibilities to grant that credit, and give permits to contract the services of building. They have a date that expires next week to give his decision. Everything makes us thinking that the Judge will authorize the operation and San José will have the money.
They are at the same time in negotiations the budget for the services building with some companies to make it quicker as soon as possible. We have good expectation to have a solution in a short term of our problems in the Urb, but please remember, that we always have o be careful respect of all this.

We have entrusted to a Fiscal office in La Marina to start with the legal papers to build a Proper Owner Community of this Urbanization; this means that we (all the owners) are legal represented to start with any management/negotiation in future we have to do. The expenses to create this are very low and are something that we have to do in benefit of everybody, with or without San Jose.
We will inform you to have a meeting with all the owners to take the right decisions: approve the statutes/articles of association, fix the fees…

We seem to be under to remain how important is to pay/transfer the 60 Euros agreed.

Next week we will try to meet with the Electric/Water companies to inform them about our situation and have a talk about the supplies in the future.

8 de Noviembre de 2008

Friday, 31 October 2008


Dear neighbours
We want to inform you about the latest news from El Pinet.

1. Last Thursday 16th October Paco and I had a meeting at Elche town hall with the manager of the building department and the technical department(lawyer and economist). They have confirmed to us that they have given all the Licenses to San Jose to continue building (streets, lights, water and drainage etc) which means that the works can commence at any time. Once they are finished, with approval of the town hall they can start to issue us with habitation certificate so that the mains services can be legally connected i.e. water and electricity).

2. We also had a meeting with the administrators the same day to gain advice regarding the finances for these works. Arrangements have been made with a major bank to finance the works but this has still to be approved by the judge from Elche. This should be goods news for us but of course until the judge approves this is not guaranteed. We were told that this decision will be made before the 30th November. We also (the administrators, San Jose and ourselves) will have a meeting with the contractors for these works to ascertain whether it will be possible to commence these works a little sooner.

3. Of course this is progress and looks good news but we all know from past experience that nothing is guaranteed until we see it actually happen.

4. We know that on Thursday San Jose took away the machines and have fired some people but this is to save money and for security of the machines. We think that the important thing is to finish the work as soon as possible but also it is important to keep the water and electricity. We have paid so far 12,000 euros for water and sewerage that was part of the bill for September. We are now planning to speak to the water and electricity companies to keep these going. The show house is still open.

5. We are going to try and have another meeting next week with San Jose and the administrators to find out how much progress has been made. We will keep everyone informed as and when we here any more news.


Dear neighbour:

In our meeting of 18th September in the urbanisation El Pinet we decided to have a meeting with San Jose’s Court Administrators (the ones named by the judge) who are in charge of the supervision of San Jose´s activity at present. This meeting took place on the 24th and 7 people attended the meeting, both residents and non-residents, Spanish and English.

In this letter we want to inform you about what was dealt with at the meeting. This does not imply that we cannot have another meeting ourselves so that any neighbour can give his/her opinion.

Since it is San Jose who has all the details of all the owners we have asked them to send this letter to you.

Two issues were discussed:

1. Payment of 120 € per month since August

.-The Court Administrators confirmed that the builder do not have enough cash to pay for the water, the electricity and the drains. They do not have money to pay and, moreover, they could incur in a fault before the meeting of creditors. They have the duty of regulating the payments.

.- The suppliers have warned that they would cut the supplies.

.- The Court Administrators admit that the amount of 120 € per house could not be fair for some neighbours, and, consequently, they would accept any other possibilities we may think of.

.-We informed them that we would pay only 60 € per month from September onwards, establishing some differences depending on the type of house (rosita, azucena, apartment)

.-We also asked San Jose to provide the bills corresponding to September, October and November 2007 since we understand that the expenditure during those months is reduced in a considerable way and it is necessary for us to know it.

.- We are going to pay until December. Until then we will have to check the expenditure and, above all, what the situation of the "Habitation Certificates" is at that time.

2. Habitation Certificates (cédula de habitabilidad)

.- To know the Court Administration’s opinion about the situation of the applications for this certificate was as important for us as the matters above mentioned.

.-They are optimistic and they tell us that they will be able to tell us something about it in 15 days.

.-Once the Town Hall has authorised the project for the development, they now have to approve also the license for the works related to water, electricity, pavements, green areas…which, as you know, are at a very advanced stage. The question here is: Does San José have enough money to carry out these works? The Court Administration tell us that San Jose is going to be paid 3 million Euros next week, being the cost of the works only 400.000 €. The Court Administration think that, even if things were worse, there would be enough funds to do the works.

.-After that the Town Hall will be able to grant the Habitation Certificates.

.-Everybody thinks that this process can be finished before 2009.


We are going to deposit in the account San José provided in their previous letter 60 € every month until December. We do not have to pay for August. The Court Administration ensure that this money will only be used to pay for the water, electricity and drains.

We will try, when we have all details from San José, to establish some difference between the different types of houses. We know we should also distinguish between residents (50) and non-residents (243) but it is difficult to do it and the term until December is very short.

We are going to discuss with the suppliers about the possibility of installing counters to know the particular expenditure of each house.

We are going to try to have a meeting with both the provost of town development of the Town hall of Elche and the Court Administration, and we will follow all the necessary steps to get the Habitation Certificates (cédula).

We think it should be necessary to constitute a board of owners, if legally possible, in order to have a stronger representation and legal force in our claims. To do so we will try to find professional assessment.